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The hunting industry has been increasingly in the public spotlight in recent decades ,often for the wrong reasons . This is generally by people who are misinformed or reacting to emotion. This is why we at Tandala Safaris Zambia are absolutely committed to promoting the greater value of hunting, by ensuring that we conduct a genuinely ethical and sustainable operation at all times. We are able to do this through careful management of quotas, various conservation objectives and development of local communities.
 Trophy hunting has a genuine importance in Africa as it provides an incentive to promote and retain wildlife over vast areas. Our ultimate aim is to ensure sustainability through practising minimal off-take, as well as empowering the local community through infrastructure, development and education. A large percentage of our hunting revenue is paid to National Parks and Wildlife to fund the preservation of wildlife in Zambia. We also pay a substantial amount to the local community as well as resource monitoring, fire management and law enforcement. Most of the meat harvested goes to the local community. We believe that these material interests that communities have in the area, combined with our own investments in anti-poaching, will ultimately enable us to effectively conserve and improve this magical and increasingly rare part of Africa.
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